Population aged 5 years and over by |
On foot | 705 |
Bicycle | 307 |
Bus, minibus or coach | 697 |
Train, DART or LUAS | 58 |
Motorcycle or scooter | 81 |
Car driver | 2,899 |
Car passenger | 1,167 |
Van | 179 |
Other | 138 |
Not stated | 93 |
Total | 6,324 |
Population aged 5 years and over by |
Before 06:30 | 196 |
06:30-07:00 | 373 |
07:01-07:30 | 801 |
07:31-08:00 | 1,271 |
08:01-08:30 | 1,684 |
08:31-09:00 | 1,029 |
09:01-09:30 | 270 |
After 09:30 | 479 |
Not stated | 96 |
Total | 6,199 |
Population aged 5 years and over by |
Under 15 mins | 1,334 |
1/4 hour - under 1/2 hour | 2,121 |
1/2 hour - under 3/4 hour | 1,561 |
3/4 hour - under 1 hour | 487 |
1 hour - under 1 1/2 hours | 387 |
1 1/2 hours and over | 63 |
Not stated | 246 |
Total | 6,199 |